2022 TCS New York City Marathon supporting Colon Cancer Foundation

Christina’s fundraising page for the 22' TCS NYC Marathon in support of the Colon Cancer Foundation. Running in memory of my Aunt Gerrilynn!
Hi everyone! As some of you may know, 3 years ago we lost my beloved Aunt Gerrilynn to Colon Cancer. She fought her toughest battle with grace and dignity and inspired me in so many ways. In her honor (although she’d say I'm crazy), I’ll be running 26.2 miles alongside thousands in New York City this November, in support of the Colon Cancer Foundation. I hope to increase awareness for the disease and raise money for the continuing research and development that supports efforts to find a cure and preventative treatments. Any and all donations are GREATLY appreciated and will go to an amazing cause. Thank you!!!!! (& hope to have a drink after with all of you)
CCF Website: https://coloncancerfoundation.org/
American Cancer Society Colon Cancer Research Highlights: https://www.cancer.org/research/acs-research-highlights/colon-and-rectal-cancer-research-highlights.html