All our babies, Gem, Jax, and Jon, were born prematurely. Gem was born at 29 weeks, Jax at 31, and Jon at 36. Now, they are ages 7, 3, and 1, respectively, and all are healthy and thriving, despite their traumatic birth experiences. One night in 2016, I was pregnant with Gem and planning for a natural water birth, but unfortunately, I was in a lot of pain. My husband knew something was wrong so he rushed me to the hospital. When we arrived, my blood pressure was dangerously high, and a nurse told me I needed an emergency C-section or I would die. I have never forgotten those gut-wrenching words. I was diagnosed with HELLP Syndrome and preeclampsia. The C-section was urgent, and the doctors had no choice but to deliver the baby to save us both, but there was no guarantee that Gem would survive. Gem was born a micro preemie weighing 1lb 11oz and 12in long, and I could not hold her for eight days. Our baby was in the most critical part of the NICU and one of the tiniest babies there. That was day one out of over 80 days she stayed in the NICU. Our hearts were heavy leaving the hospital without her, but we were able to bring her home almost three months later.
Giving birth to Jax in 2019 was a whole new NICU experience. He weighed 3lbs 6oz and was 16in long. Jax was in the NICU half the time that Gem was. It was tough, but we could not have prayed for a smoother journey.
After two journeys in the NICU, we were blessed with the birth of Jon, and he didn't have to go to the NICU. We like to call him our "full-term preemie!"
Our friends at the March of Dimes have been supportive with advice and sharing results from research that helps moms and babies live healthy lives. Gem, Jax, and Jon are fighters who have touched many lives and they don't even know it. They have touched ours, and it will never be the same. Join our team, donate, or simply show your support by sharing our story.