The Jackson Family

The Jackson Family

Our Story: 

Our family's journey began on March 1, 2021 with a surprising revelation: we were expecting again. With our son, Pearson, just eight months old, we were surprised to be having another child so soon. We were just getting our lives adjusted to parenthood so this was quite the shock. Eleven days later, we learned we were having twins, talk about doubling down on our shock. We experienced such polarizing emotions. Excitement and fear. Gratitude and terror. The pregnancy was deemed high risk from the beginning.  Our twins are identical, and specifically Monochorionic Diamniotic (Mo/Di) twins, a condition that can lead to complications. Our boys shared a placenta, and with that there is high risk of a disproportionate blood supply to each twin. We had ultrasounds weekly, sometimes twice a week to monitor the boys. Many appointments revealed abnormal findings with each twins’ fluid levels and we were told to pack our bags and to be ready to fly to Cincinatti in a moments notice for a possible in utero procedure. Thankfully, after many prayers and ultrasounds, things appeared to stabilize, allowing us a brief respite.

At twenty-seven weeks gestation, our world was once again flipped upside-down. On August 8, 2021, Marisa went into unexpected preterm labor, and within an hour, we were at the hospital. We didn’t even have time to process what was happening because it was all happening so quickly. Our twins, Baker and Henry, were born via emergency c-section, weighing just over 2.5 pounds each. The boys were immediately taken to the NICU, and the following hours were filled with a mix of relief and heartbreak. Despite their early arrival, Baker and Henry were fighters, but we quickly realized the immense challenges they would face.

The NICU journey was grueling, with both boys enduring numerous medical procedures and setbacks. Henry faced abdominal and breathing issues. One particular painful memory includes Henry coding for almost four minutes and needing a team of professionals to bag and revive him. Baker had a bilateral grade 2 brain bleed and had to have an MRI weighing just 4lbs. Both had congenital heart defects, requiring constant monitoring and follow-ups. The list continues. Despite the emotional and physical toll, we remained steadfast, showing up all day and every day to support our sons alongside the dedicated NICU staff. Slowly but surely, our boys grew stronger, gaining the ability to feed, breathe and regulate their temperatures, eventually moving from isolettes to cribs. Finally, after 82 days for Henry and 85 days for Baker, we had the honor of bringing our sons home to meet their family, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

Throughout our journey, the March of Dimes provided invaluable support, making the experience more bearable and less isolating. Their compassion and dedication to the health of mothers and babies were evident in every interaction. They made us feel as though our sons were our our children, and not just patients. They made us feel a support that is indescribable.  Today, as the twins approach their third birthday, (healthy and THRIVING-might I add!) we are grateful for their health and the support that made our story one of resilience and hope. We share our story to highlight the impact of organizations like March of Dimes and to celebrate the miracles our little fighters have achieved. Please join us as we raise awareness and make an impact for families like ours! From the bottom of our hearts we would like to say thank you to everyone for your support of our family and our boys- and thank you to March of Dimes for the privilege to share our story and create more awareness for something so important.

-The Jackson Family

The Jackson Family
The Jackson Family