Emilie Given

Emilie Given

For the first 39 weeks of my pregnancy, all signs pointed to a “normal” birth for me and my son, Edward Jack (EJ). But, in mid-August of 2016 when I went into labor, I spiked a 103-degree fever, and all that I had thought would be true for me suddenly became much different.

I had developed a bacterial infection, which led to a series of emergency medical interventions: A C-section, a newborn with an undetectable heartbeat, maternal sepsis, emergency surgery, and failing lungs, liver, and kidneys.

24 hours after he was born, I met my son on FaceTime. Seven days after my emergency C-section, I held him in my arms. For the first time.

I struggled to bond with EJ. I suffered terrifying nightmares from my time in the hospital and was diagnosed with post-partum depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. I had access to medication, therapy, and family support groups not all mothers do. I want all mothers to know what it feels like to heal with strong support. The March of Dimes makes that possible.

Emilie Given