Meredith Howarth

Meredith Howarth

Our family is serving as an Ambassador family for the Heroines of Washington event on November 7th. Many of you know that both our boys, Ethan and Bennett were born prematurely due to my complications with severe preeclampsia. I joined the movement to create positive change for moms and babies everywhere, especially those most at risk. No matter how much you prepare, it's still a shock to have your newly born baby taken from you to head to the NICU due to pre-term birth. Both boys spent 3-4 weeks in the NICU. We are so grateful for all the support we received and want to help in raising funds so that every family gets the best possible start. 

Please visit my fundraising page and consider making a donation. Together we’ll be part of a movement to make America a more equitable place and ensure that every mom and baby is healthy.

Meredith Howarth

Bennett NICU 2022

Meredith Howarth