Lilian de Jonge

Lilian de Jonge

Welcome to my 2024 Together in TEAL® Page!

My story started in June 2022 when I noticed a sharp pain just above my belly button when sneezing, coughing etc. I didn't think much about it but over the course of the summer it became a dull constant pain all over my abdomen.  I  went to see a doctor when we came back from vacation and the pain was blamed on constipation, a gall bladder attack, and an umbilical hernia. Stool softeners helped a bit but on Labor day 2022 the pain became unbearable.  The doctor at the urgent care believed me when I said there was something wrong and was determined to figure out what was wrong and ordered a lot of tests. The abdominal CT scan showed cloudiness throughout my and Wen and an omental biopsy the next week confirmed the diagnosis of Primary Peritoneal Carcinomatosis with pleural infusion which has an 80% recurrence rate and an average survival of 14-17 months.  I am happy to say that I am now almost 2 years past diagnosis and doing very well. I was there for my daughter's high school graduation which was a highlight of the past year.  I am taking maintenance treatment which makes me very tired but i am working full time. My last CT scan was still clean and my life is basically back to normal I enjoy every day to the max and hope to be able to do so for a long time. 

We are excited to share that we have registered for National Ovarian Cancer Coalition’s 2024 Together in TEAL® event because we are dedicated to raising awareness and funds in support of the ovarian cancer community. Our efforts will help improve the lives of individuals, families, and communities who have been impacted by ovarian cancer - but this work cannot be done alone. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today in support of our fundraising goals. 

Funds raised for the NOCC support national programs and local community initiatives to heighten awareness of the subtle signs, symptoms, and risks of ovarian cancer, provide quality-of-life and educational resources to survivors and caregivers throughout their journey, and advocate for the advancement of life-saving ovarian cancer research.

Together we can strengthen the teal community and use our passion and voices to fight this relentless disease that has claimed too many lives. 

Join us by donating today, and bring us one step closer to a future where no one ever loses their life to ovarian cancer. 

Lilian de Jonge