
in listening to your voice within

Cheryl Adams

I’m an active committee member with Inland Women Fighting Cancer, better known as the Believe Walk. During the past 14 years, organizations spoke to us about their missions, early detection, and cancer warning signs. Michelle’s Place in Temecula spoke on women’s cancers and symptoms such as bleeding and cramps after menopause.

I’d been ignoring several signs (I’d heard before from a Michelle’s Place Representative) alerting me that I may have a problem. A couple of weeks after my mother’s passing in July 2021, I heard a voice within screaming at me to get checked. In August, I was diagnosed with high-grade serous carcinoma of the endometrium. Mid-September, I had a complete hysterectomy and six rounds of chemotherapy. It was no picnic, but I made it through with the help of God, my husband, family, and friends. Today I am completely cancer free. I still get checked every three months, but I have fought cancer and won. Praise God.

My advice to anyone having thoughts of “Should I go get checked ….” The immediate answer is Early Detection Saves Lives!! Even though my cancer was rare and deadly, catching it early was the key. So, I say “Thank You, Michelle’s Place “to that voice within, and Thank You, Mom.”

Endometrial Cancer