Bowl for Kids' Sake 2025 supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters

Dear Family & Friends,
As many of you know the Lewin Family and Hamilton Parker have been long time supporters of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio’s most important fundraising event, Bowl for Kids’ Sake. The event is on March 8th 2025 and while we have always put together bowling teams, in the past 10 years we have stepped up our efforts to support BFKS with initiatives such as:
50/50 Company-wide Raffles (last Friday of the month)
Silent Auction (December)
Company-wide Chili Cook-offs (January)
Big Green Egg lunch fundraisers (Summer & Fall)
Inflatable Bowling Pins Bowling Contest
Rock, Paper, Scissors Contest
Queen of Hearts
Bake Sales
These are some of the things we have done but we still need your support! Whether it is $5, $25, $500, or $5000 please consider donating. We appreciate your help. And if you have other teams you have already committed to supporting, we thank you for that as well!