Bowl for Kids' Sake 2020 supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana

About Bowl for Kid's Sake - BBBS of Kentuckiana

Bowl For Kids' Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters signature fundraiser. Each year hundreds people across 13 counties in Southern Indiana and Kentucky come together to have fun and raise money with friends to fund our one-to-one Big - Little mentoring match friendships.

This is the perfect way for you to make an impact on our community - it only takes a little bit of effort to raise the money that is vital to our program’s success.


1) Register or Join a Team! Friends, family, coworkers, girlfriends, boyfriends, partners, cousins, neighbors, brothers, sisters...for real, anyone can be on a squad. If you don't have a team of 6, don't worry... we'll help you!

2) Once you register, a fundraising page is created for you with built-in tools to fundraise via social media, email or text. Before you know it, you will be a freakin' fundraising rock star!

3) Choose your date and have fun! The event takes place in March, April and May, so you can pick the date that works best for your team. If you are participating with your company, check with your corporate team captain to make sure you have the right date!

4) If you are a Big and plan to bowl with your little, be sure to tell your Match Support Specialist! You can even register your Little when you register yourself to bowl, it is that easy!


Starts at:  January 14, 2020 11:00 PM
Ends at:  May 31, 2020 11:00 PM


Check the date you register for!,


Mackenzie Goldsmith

Time for Team Building!

Bowl for Kids' Sake is a great opportunity for corporate team-building and bonding! Your employees will enjoy a unique and memorable event together. 

Create as many 6-person teams as you wish. We can even set up a friendly fundraising competition between your employee teams as well as the collective fundraising of all your employees. 

Why Participate?

As a “thank you” for your support and enthusiasm, Big Brothers Big Sisters hosts a celebratory party while you are bowling!  

No bowling expertise is required, only the willingness to share in our heartfelt and sincere thanks for helping us transform our community. 

Plus, we'll have fun prizes!

How Your Support Makes a Difference

Big Brothers Big Sisters depends on donations to conduct background checks on volunteers to ensure child safety and to provide ongoing support for children, families and volunteers to build and sustain long-lasting relationships.

Your role in this effort to help local children cannot be over stated: We need your help to raise community awareness of the challenges faced by local children and to raise funds to help change the trajectory of a child’s life.

Thank you to our generous partners!