Books For Africa's 2021 Fundraising Campaign supporting Books For Africa

This program has meant a lot to me– I never would come into contact with people from all around the world if it wasn’t for it, and right now we need these cross-intercontinental connections and bonds more than ever. We hope this program will mean a lot to these kids too. Your donations will go a long way, literally. I appreciate your time and consideration, thank you.
-Benjamin Shandler(Founder)
Our goal is to help people in poor countries where they do not have lots of food or water and even electricity. And now that the corona virus has struck it, is even harder for these people to get the education they deserve. This is why we need your help. If you could give us even a small donation it would be helpful. And with your help we could help a lot of people.
-Martin Ajayi(Founder)
It is an organization to help kids in need of proper learning tools to help them succeed and have a better education, specifically in Tanzania.
- Olivia King(Founder)
He was so sad at what the kids in Tanzania’s education looked like that he wanted to make a change. On the first day of school he showed us a video of the schools there., The kids had one notebook for the whole year! Also, there were around 70 kids per room and they were all sitting on the floor in a classroom the size of your average one in the US. If it rained the kids would get soaking wet, they had no electricity so they couldn’t have a computer or projector to show a video. I am telling you this because we want you to help our program get supplies to Tanzania. Currently, we have other countries helping us with our project, those countries are Japan, Russia, Belarus and Vietnam.
-Jake Pearlman(Founder)
Hello. My name is Kou K. from Japan. I'm 10 years old and in the 5th grade. Via this program, I know about the Tanzanian kids in need now. I didn't know about Tanzania before. I want to help them. And I like the program. I joined the program because I can talk with people from many countries and know about them. I can make many friends all over the world by speaking English. I like it the best.
-Kou K.(Founder)
Hello. My name is Airu K.. I'm in the 5th grade. I live in Japan. I joined the program because I wanted many people to know about Tanzania after seeing the school life there, and wanted the students there to have quality education like us. In the program, it's fun to talk with students from other countries and know about them. Some play the piano like me. I love it. And I like it that I share my ideas in English and students from overseas understand me. I feel empathy for them.
Hello, I’m Sanako Matsubara from Japan. I’m seventeen years old and I’m in the twelfth grade. We've been working on the project with students from different countries and now we are focusing on quality education for all around the world. To move forward with this program, we need a large amount of donation.It would be appreciated if you could support us. At first, I took part in this project because I just wanted to improve my English skills and know about other countries, but gradually I came to enjoy sharing my ideas with other students. And I was really glad when I got some replies from them. So I didn't have a specific reason for joining this project, but now I'm very proud of us.
The best part was the meetings because we could discuss on certain topics in real time. In particular, my favorite is the meeting about the Tanzania project because we collaborated and thought out what we should do to help,
-Sanako Matsubara(Founder)