
#GivingTuesday2021 supporting Blank Park Zoo
Blank Park Zoo

Supporting Local is Supporting Global

From a penguin needing an MRI on her foot here in Iowa to reintroducing critically endangered addax antelope back to parts of northern Africa, as an AZA-accredited facility, our veterinarians work extends to the wild. Everything from routine exams to life-saving procedures uphold our standard of excellence in animal care. 

Blank Park Zoo's veterinarian provides both preventative and therapeutic medicine for over 240 species, which ultimately upholds our core values and mission to inspire and appreciation of the natural world through conservation, education, research and recreation.

By donating to our #GivingTuesday2021 campaign, you are directly helping fund critical equipment for our vet team.

Thank you for supporting the mission and operations of Blank Park Zoo!

Veterinarians play a key role in conservation efforts carried out by zoological facilities, as they prevent and treat diseases and health conditions that threaten a species survival. As zoos continue to devote their missions to the long-term survival of wildlife, veterinarians role in accredited facilities continue to also expand. Meeting the highest professional standard of excellence in animal care and management includes state-of-the-art equipment. And we need your help to purchase them.

This #GivingTuesday Blank Park Zoo is fundraising to purchase equipment for our veterinary team, including an anesthetic monitoring device and surgical lights. The anesthetic monitoring device is crucial to animal health, as it monitors heart rate, oxygen intake, CO2 output and other critical data points in real time, aiding in veterinary procedures. For certain animals like lions or tigers, anesthesia is necessary for even routine checkups. The anesthetic monitoring device is heavily utilized in daily life at the zoo. The veterinary team is also in need of improved surgical lights, to improve the efficiency of exams and procedures. Our goal to be able to purchase this new equipment is $15,000. Please consider helping us reach our goal by donating today.