Breathe Week 2022 supporting Boomer Esiason Foundation

WHEN: June 12th – June 19th
WHERE: Anywhere!
Team Boomer is excited to announce its new signature event… Breathe Week! This event combines our traditional Run to Breathe and Bike 2 Breathe events into a virtual experience by encouraging the cystic fibrosis community to:
All participants receive an official Breathe Week shirt with registration!
*You will also have the option to purchase Team Boomer toddler shirts and Team Boomer baseball hats while supplies last.
Why go virtual?
Team Boomer has been able to save money in overhead costs and direct more fundraising dollars directly to the CF community.
By signing up, you can help Team Boomer and BEF #FightCFAnywhere!
Team Boomer, the athletic division at the Boomer Esiason Foundation, was created to inspire people living with cystic fibrosis to incorporate fitness into their care routines and to provide a way for people to fundraise for BEF while staying active.
In 1993, former NFL quarterback Boomer Esiason and wife, Cheryl, learned that their son was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF) - an incurable genetic disease that attacks the lungs. Never ones to back down from a fight, they founded the Boomer Esiason Foundation (BEF) and decided right then & there to fight for the CF community and for a cure.