Christine Corbett

Christine Corbett

Self-Care Isn't Selfish

I've decided to show my support of caregivers because November is National Family Caregivers Month!  Please help me in promoting respite, wellness and community for caregivers by making a gift and helping me reach my goal.  Want to go the extra mile?  You can always share my page, or follow David's Refuge on Facebook to help spread the word!

As Mom of 3 typical girls, I know all the feelings and anxieties that come with parenting in general - I want to show some love for the parents out there who have the added stresses that come with a child's diagnosis.  All parents are special, but I've seen first-hand how amazing these Moms and Dads are, and I'm so excited to support them.  I've set my goal at $1,375 because I want to send 5 caregivers to the upcoming Summit & Wellness Retreat on 11/18. Would love your help to make that possible!

Christine Corbett

Best Dad Ever!

Christine Corbett