An Ever Lasting Tribute

In Memory of Hala Chaaban Husn

Hala Chaaban Husn

Why have you created this page? Moms wishes are to help continue the fight against colorectal cancer!

Tell us about his/her battle with colorectal cancer. Mom valiantly battled Colon cancer for over 7 years, inspiring all with her strength. Despite the prognosis, she traveled, cherished time with loved ones, and savored moments with her adored grandchildren Leila, Nora, Sophia, Eliana, and Carter. Her joy was hosting loved ones and sharing her favorite Lebanese dishes. Mom always loved a house full of people, telling old stories and laughing while reminiscing. As her time was drawing near, she had a goal to take one last big trip with her sons. She planned a trip to NYC to enjoy the city, surrounded by the Christmas lights, culture and food. She had a wonderful time and promise to God and us to continue to make an effort to live out her days to the fullest. She typically had a room full of friends, family and caregivers during her last days in hospice. The sense of community lifted her up during her toughest moments.

What made him/her happy? Any time spent doting on her beautiful grandchildren: Leila, Nora, Sophia, Eliana and Carter. Sharing time with her family. Traveling to new places.

I'm creating this page on behalf of myself and: My Father, Nabil and my brother, Jason. Please help mom give hope to others who are afflicted with colorectal cancer so they can live life while they fight this disease.