2023 United Airlines NYC Half supporting Comfort Zone Camp

Comfort Zone Camp has been there throughout my whole grief journey as a support system & has provided me with another place I can call home.
Seventeen years ago my father passed away and my grief journey began. Comfort Zone Camp existed very early on in my journey and it has been by my side every step of the way. I can say with confidence I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without this wonderful organization. When I was a child CZC gave me coping skills to grieve the loss of my dad, the ability to share my story, and a way to remember him forever while still being able to move forward and live a good life. As an adult who volunteers it has given me a safe space to be myself while also being able to help others. It is an honor to run for Comfort Zone Camp and raise money for a charity that has filled up parts of my heart that had been emptied by loss. I never want to know a world without CZC, and I want them to continue to have the ability to touch the lives of grieving children all over the US.