Derby Dash supporting We Can Ride

During a 45-minute class with a client, our therapy horses walk 3-4 miles. They do this multiple times each week, throughout the year. They challenge you to run, walk or stroll the same distance in support of the very important work they do at We Can Ride.
We honor the memory of a very special therapy horse, Derby. Derby had a long and love-filled life. He spent his younger years as a stand-out trail horse for his mom, leading others who were nervous through challenging terrain. When he joined We Can Ride in 2018, he did the same for us. His even temperament and gentle spirit calmed even the most uncertain clients. At the age of 31 Derby let us know that he was ready to go, and passed away peacefully on the farm surrounded by loved ones both horse and human.
[A special moment for me] was working with Sarah, who is in a motorized wheelchair, and Derby, our oldest horse, was gentle and calm and allowed Sarah to lead him around the ring. He also stood close enough for Sarah to help with some grooming--she knows all the names of all the brushes! Derby taught me you're never too old to make a difference and Sarah taught me your happiness and joy come from within, regardless of our situation in life,"
-Kris, We Can Ride volunteer