Michelle’s Mind


Hello all to take the time to read this. Im Michelle. I was diagnosed with epilepsy as Freshman in college over 5 years ago now and it has been a never ending ride. It is not something I discuss much but it is something I certainly battle on a daily basis and that affects me differently than how I used to live. Ive undergone MRI’s, CT scans, a sleep study and more to understand more about why my body is being affected the way it is. The answers I have now are that I have nocturnal epilepsy and frontal lobe seizures. These seizures are the most difficult to discern where in the brain they originate from. The brain is also the most complex organ in the body so that in turn doesn’t make it much easier either. However I have been seizure free for a little over a year as of when I write this due to my current medication being what has worked for me for this long successfully. I am very lucky and thankful enough to be able to walk, and try the medication Ive been given as well as receive the treatments I have thus far. Please consider donating to this cause so that others may have the same opportunity as myself and so that research may continue to help cure this. I appreciate it greatly and thank you for reading my story. 

Michelle’s Mind