FalloRick is raising money to support children with cancer

Avid runner Rick Fall is running Home to Home - 4,200kms from Victoria, British Columbia to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Rick's goal is to raise $200,000 for two causes that he holds near and dear to his heart, both that positively impact Canadian children. His chosen beneficiaries are Childhood Cancer Canada and Make-A-Wish® Foundation of Canada.
Rick had originally hoped to run throughout the months of April to August 2020, but unfortunately due to COVID-19, he has postponed this adventure until April 2021. Proceeds of this run will be split half and half between his two selected Canadian organizations: Childhood Cancer Canada and Make-A-Wish® Canada. Read more about his amazing Home to Home story and journey here and be sure to follow his progress as he undertakes an incredible four-month journey.
Make-A-Wish Canada provides children with critical illnesses the opportunity to realize their most heartfelt wish, giving them the strength to endure their treatments and build resilience. On October 1, 2019, Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada and Make-A-Wish Foundation of Canada joined forces with the goal of granting the wish of every eligible child across the country. United as Make-A-Wish Canada the organization has the ability to make an even greater difference in the communities it supports. Together, generous donors, supporters, staff and volunteers across the country have helped grant over 34,000 wishes since 1983. Last year alone, over 1,600 wishes were granted and 70 per cent of those wishes involved air-travel. Due to COVID-19, more than 400 wishes have been postponed until they can be granted safely for wish children. For more information about Make-A-Wish Canada, visit makeawish.ca
Childhood Cancer Canada is Canada's leading foundation dedicated to funding national research, while delivering support and programing for families affected by childhood cancer. More than 10,000 children in Canada are in treatment for cancer right now and one in five will not survive beyond five years. Cancer is the number one cause of death by disease of Canadian children. Childhood Cancer Canada’s focus is on saving, enhancing, and extending the lives of kids with cancer. For more information on Childhood Cancer Canada, please visit childhoodcancer.ca.