About 2025 Bed Race

Join the Furniture Bank of Central Ohio as we race and raise funds for our neighbors in need of furnished homes at the Bed Race!

We will be racing down Town Street in front of Land Grant located at 424 W Town Street.

At the Bed Race, you and your friends can show off your speed (and creativity!) as you dress up, decorate, and race a wooden bed- all to help put local kids into beds and off of floors! Plus, YOU can directly provide furniture to a local child and family in need by fundraising as a team!

Not up for racing? Register as a team cheerleader for free! 

The BED RACE is Happening Rain or Shine!

Race Day Schedule:

9:00 am: Team Captains Check-in at Registration

9:00 - 9:30 am: Prepare Costumes and Bed Decoration

9:30 am: Mandatory Team Captains Meeting at the Bracket Boards

9:45 am: Costume Parade

10:00 am: Races Begin!!

Thank you to our 2025 Bed Race site sponsor!! 

 Land Grant


Starts at:  September 27, 2025 8:00 AM
Ends at:  September 27, 2025 12:00 PM


Land Grant
424 W Town Street
Columbus,OH 43215 USA


Christine Mills

Your Support Makes a Difference.


  • $5,000 - Provides 20 families with a furnished home of hope
  • $2,500 - Fully furnishes 10 local families' homes
  • $1,000 - Provides four families with a furnished home
  • $500 - Furnishes two homes for families in need
  • $250 - Gives a family essential furniture for daily life
  • $125 - Provides essential bedroom furniture for a family
  • $75 - Furnishes a living room and kitchen for a family
  • $35 - Builds a table and chairs for a family

If you'd like to mail a donation, please include the team's name or racer's name. 

Mail donations to:

Furniture Bank of Central Ohio

PO Box 164206 Columbus, OH 43216-4206

Interested in sponsoring our race, click here

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors!