Friends of Nurses in Haiti

David Walmer

David Walmer

Join Me in Supporting Nursing Students in Haiti!

On March 29, 2025, I am going to try to swim from the Island of Nevis to St. Kitts as a way of raising awareness and support for nursing education at the FSIL nursing school in Leogane, Haiti.  

September 28, 2024, I swam for the first time in the ocean.  That was a 1.7 mile swim in the same direction as the current, close to shore, between two piers in Wilmington, NC.  Crazy as it was, I won the 70+ age group.  (There were only 5 of us.)  The final fundraising event next March is a 2.5 mile open ocean swim. Last year 4 men in my age group (70-78) completed the event between 2 h 11 min and 2 h 57 minutes.  

Competing in this event is my way of symbolizing the adversity that our Haitian friends face every day!

I am inviting all friends, colleagues and their friends to either join me in the water for the swim (I would love the company) or to financially support my efforts to raise $15,000 which would educate three nursing students for a year.  I am personally trying to raise 2/3 of that goal. The Haiti Nursing Foundation has committed to match this campaign so your contribution should be doubled on May 12, 2025, International Nurses Day bringing our goal to $30,000.

Nurses are critical to the health care system in Haiti because they not only selflessly support existing health care systems, but they often go into communities where there no health care exists.  In Haiti, with the civil unrest, this is a big deal.  

David Walmer