Give the Gift of Nutrition supporting Food Outreach
Give the Gift of Nutrition

About Gift of Nutrition

Our clients are counting on us, now more than ever. With rising food, housing, and energy costs, many families in our region are finding it hard to make ends meet.

These struggles are amplified many times over as we meet the nutritional needs of nearly 2,000 individuals who depend on our services. This year, we have faced unique challenges while providing our clients nutrition at no charge. Price spikes in food costs are straining the budgets of both Food Outreach and the clients we serve. 

Even though our food costs have skyrocketed, we remain committed to providing our clients with high-quality nutrition.

No one else in the state of Missouri or western Illinois does what we do. We are the only agency providing nutrition to support treatment for individuals living with the devastating effects of HIV and cancer.

With your generosity in the coming year, we will cook and deliver more than 500,000 freshly prepared, medically tailored meals that will help our clients feel better physically and give them the love and support we all deserve.

Together we can make nutritious food accessible to all.

Please make a year-end donation and help us meet an unprecedented and growing need in our community.


Starts at:  November 1, 2023 12:00 AM
Ends at:  November 1, 2023 12:00 AM




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TIP: Did you know you can also add a pre-recorded or live stream video to this section? Just provide the full iframe code in the admin view under Configure Campaign > Design > Basic Design.

TIP: You can inline edit different areas to customize your campaign! Don't forget to save & refresh!

Meet Renee Johnson, a Two Time Food Outreach Client!

Renee Johnson, a third generation United States Airforce veteran, first came to Food Outreach in October 2012 when she was undergoing chemotherapy for stage three breast cancer. Almost ten years later, she found herself back at Food Outreach as part of a pilot program for veterans with type 2 diabetes.

Renee was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 48—the same age as when her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her mother lost her battle to cancer when she was 53 years old. Now 59, and 11 years into remission, Renee still takes to heart all the advice her mother gave her. “I live for her. And the one thing that she told me, never let fear keep you from understanding what you need to do in your life.”

In addition to nutrition services, Renee found support in the community at Food Outreach. “I didn't have very much support when I was going through my cancer treatment. All of my parents and grandparents and godparents are gone. And I was facing this pretty much by myself. Food Outreach was the one place that I always looked forward to coming to because that was really the only basis of support that I had. I would be sitting in the infusion room by myself, and it was nice to know that I was getting ready to go to Food Outreach because that’s where I got my sense of community and support. Food Outreach served me in that way—it was so much more than just the food.”

The fresh food from Food Outreach helped ease some of the side effects from the chemotherapy that Renee was receiving. “I had so much food from Food Outreach--the fresh fruits and vegetables and the way that everything is distinguished for your specific medical needs. Every time I came to Food Outreach, I would look up at all of the plates with donor names, and I would give a silent thank you to them. I'm just filled with gratitude for all that Food Outreach did for me.”

Read more about Renee on our Nourish and Flourish Blog!


Food Outreach is holding an exciting promotion in December to benefit our mission. Each week, we will be raffling off a holiday gift for anyone who donates $25 or more on this website.

Friday, Dec. 8 - Win a St. Louis Craft Beer Basket! 

Friday, Dec. 15 - Win a private party at Kind Apothecary!  

Friday, Dec. 22 - Win a St. Louis Craft Beer Basket!

Friday, Dec. 29 - Win a pair of Cynthia Richards shoes (up to $235)! 

If you are not selected as a winner, your name will be entered into the following week's contest. 

Your Donation May Qualify for A Missouri Food Pantry Tax Credit!

Food Outreach has Missouri Food Pantry Tax Credits available. This program provides a tax credit to any Missouri taxpayer (individual, corporation, or trust) that makes a financial donaton of cash (gifts-in-kind, stocks, and gifts from donor advised funds do not qualify) to Food Outreach.
​The credit is equal to 50% of the donation amount to a maximum of $2,500 per tax year, per taxpayer. If married individuals filing jointly donate, each spouse may claim up to $2,500.

Those donors who make a monetary contribution of $100 or more will receive a tax credit form in the mail from Food Outreach in February 2023. The form will be mailed to the address provided at registration. More information can be found at:

Learn How Your Gift Makes An Impact

Learn about two of Food Outreach's clients, Mary and William, as they share how your support impacts their lives.

Thank you for your support!