Hike on the Dike 2024 supporting West Columbia Gorge Humane Society

Sign up to walk for just $20 and/or become a fundraiser for free! Then reach out to friends and family to help you raise money for the animals and earn some cool prizes! You may register at the event, but pre-registration is highly recommended!
Your participation in this event saves lives by helping us fund the day-to-day operations of our shelters. Because of you, we are able to provide medical assistance, food, and a safe haven for pets who find themselves in transition and are looking for a new home!
This year, Hike on the Dike will run back to back with All Paws on Deck (APOD), a street fair in downtown Camas organized by Camas High's DECA students. Visit the WCGHS booth at APOD from 11am - 2pm, following Hike on the Dike. All Paws on Deck features a "Dog Mayor for the Day" and a doggie costume contest, a dog agility course, plus lots of great food, crafts, and more all right in the heart of Camas.
It's all happening on September 21st. This will truly be a day for the dogs!
Earn prizes as you raise funds!