LifeTies 40th Anniversary Wellness Challenge supporting LifeTies, Inc

We are holding LifeTies first Wellness and Self-Care Challenge in celebration of LifeTies' 40th Anniversary! This celebration is aligned with our mission to provide wellness and self-sufficiency in vulnerable youth, young adults and their families. Especially during these difficult time with the pandemic, we believe this challenge will be good for your heart and soul -- making sure that you are taking care of yourself as well as your loved ones.
Beginning April 1st, as a participant, you will commit to 40 hours of wellness and self-care activities. You will be provided with a t-shirt prior to the start of the Challenge (if you register by March 1st). T-shirts will be available for pick up at our headquarters located in Ewing, NJ one week prior to the challenge. Please be advised that we can only send out t-shirts to teams which are out-of-state and have 10 or more members; the shirts will be sent to one address designated by the team lead. On April 1st, you will begin tracking your minutes of wellness activities such as dancing, running, walking, yoga, meditation, massages, counseling etc. on your individual or team pages. We encourage you to invite friends and family to participate, setting up your page is extremely easy and LifeTies staff can assist you with any challenges you experience. There will be opportunity for you to share pictures on your page as you work toward your goal. Please let us know if you do not want us to share your pictures on our social media sites. Additionally, you can set a fundraising goal for friends to "sponsor" you for this event and don't forget to ask them to join you in this challenge. Throughout the month of April, you will easily be able to post pictures of yourself working toward your goal on your page.
On April 29th, we will have a culminating 40 minute Virtual Event where we will announce top team winners (e.g., teams with greatest number of team members, most amount of money raised) as well as provide you with a chance to bid on our wonderful silent auction items and hear from our youth. You can sign up for our free Virtual Event right on this website under the tab - Virtual Event. After you sign up, you will receive notifications when the silent auction item bidding has opened.
To those new to LifeTies, welcome to our community; we look forward to you learning more about LifeTies. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our office at 609.771.1600 or to answer any questions you may have.
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As an individual participant in our Wellness Challenge or as a team participant, you will commit to doing 40 hours of wellness and self-care activities e.g. running, walking, dancing, yoga, meditation, counseling, massages, (we leave it up to you to define "wellness" activities) during the month of April. Additionally, each individual or team is able to raise funds through friends, families and, co-workers sponsoring their 40 hour challenge.
This challenge will end in a culminating 40 minute Virtual Event on April 29, 2021. We will recognize our sponsors and teams, hear from the youth we serve, and have a chance to bid on our incredible silent auction items. We have a social media campaign to showcase participating sponsors, teams, and individuals as they work towards their 40 hour challenge to support our vulnerable youth.
We know this has been a challenging year for all of us, but imagine how difficult it is for youth to navigate existing challenges and Covid-19. Our youth experience challenges such as complex trauma, mental and behavioral health issues, homelessness, parenting and early pregnancy, chronic illnesses, and identifying as LGBTQ+. Covid-19 has exacerbrated their anxiety, isolation from family and friends, and concerns about their futures. While so much has changed in our communities, our mission to nuture wellness and self-sufficiency in vulnerable youth remains the same; our youth need our services now more than ever.
LifeTies motivates.
By using a trauma-informed approach, LifeTies provides:
Here are some examples of what your investment can provide:
Thank you to our Sponsors