Leadership Academy London/Paris Experience

Leadership Academy London/Paris Experience supporting 100 Black Men of DeKalb County
100 Black Men of DeKalb County

Thank you for your support!

TRIP DATES:  July 12-20

Leadership Academy London/Paris Experience Overview

In support of 100 Black Men of Dekalb (100 BMOD) International Cultural Research Program, the chapter is offering an opportunity for students of the Leadership Academy to travel abroad to London, England & Paris, France as Youth Ambassadors.  The experience will be a rich opportunity steeped in history, multi-culturalism, and geography. Students will experience the trip with their peers in the Leadership Academy and the students of the 100 Black Men of London Mentorship Program through a partnership with the London Chapter and their local leadership team.  This collaboration will allow students from both chapters to immerse in each other's culture which will showcase their differences and similarities.

 Tentatively Scheduled Activities/Events

  • River Thames History and Sightseeing Cruise.
  • Guided Walking Tours of City of London.
  • Community Investment Project with local charity to prep & serve meals at a soup kitchen.
  • Meet & Greet at the American Embassy with Foreign Service Officers (FSO's)
  • Visit Black & mixed-race historical sites for the 18th Century and other historical periods.
  • Visit to Cambridge and Oxford Universities with guided tours led by current black university students.
  • Visit historic sites including Big Ben, Windsor Palace, London Bridge, Trafalgar Square and others.
  • One-day trip to Paris to visit historic Parisian sites, guided walking & big bus tours.

100 Black Men of DeKalb County, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization and a certified chapter of the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. network.