Gilman Greyhound Express



Use Code: "GILMAN" For a $10 Sign Up

Family and Friends,

I am so excited to be participating in ASA RunFest this year.  Athletes Serving Athletes (ASA) is an awesome organization.  They help athletes living with limited to no mobility train and participate in mainstream running events!  

I have committed to raising funds for the Wingman Program so they can continue to offer this program free to every athlete and family we serve.  

Every gift, large and small, makes a difference. Please help me reach my goal.  Thank you.

Did you know?

$25 - covers 1 ASA Team Race Uniform

$75 - covers the registration fee for an ASA Athlete to race in a longer distance race like the Baltimore Marathon!

$250 - covers entry for a 4 person Wingman Team to a 5K

$1,000 - covers the cost of an adaptive racing jogger for an ASA Athlete!

Check out ASA's 

Together We Finish video

 to see how your donation helps.

Together We Finish!

Gilman Greyhound Express