Move It Day in support of Montessori School of Waukesha
Move It Day

50 State & 7 Continent Challenge

Help us meet the challenge!  Can we secure donations from all 50 states and all 7 continents?  Follow this updated graphic to see how we're doing.

# of States Reached


Continent Challenge

✅  North America

South America

✅ Europe

✅  Asia



✅  Australia

As of May 10, 2022 at 7pm.

How Can You Support the Event

In addition to sharing this fundraising website with your family and friends, you can also help out with Move It Day in a variety of different ways.


  • sorting t-shirts

  • setting up obstacles

  • creating signs to number the obstacles


  • assist/supervise the obstacles

  • assist with the Color Run station by throwing color & blowing children off with leaf blowers

While we appreciate all parent help, we do ask you keep younger siblings at home to ensure proper attention is paid to the MSOW specific tasks involving the activities for the school children. If you can't find child care during the event, we encourage you to consider donating your time to the needs before the event. Thank you for your understanding.

We are also looking for supply donations to help defer our operating costs of the event!



Thanks to our generous sponsors!

Move It Day is both a school community building event and school-wide fundraiser for Montessori School of Waukesha. All of the children will participate in age-appropriate activities that will help them get active, work together, and help the school at the same time. Each level will participate in an obstacle course followed by color run laps to celebrate their completion.

Montessori School of Waukesha strives to provide the best possible educational experience to our children, both now and in the future. An important aspect of this commitment is building and maintaining a healthy, stable, and self-sufficient financial operation.

While we actively pursue grant funding, we also ask for support from our families by generously giving to our fundraising activities. As a School District of Waukesha partner school, we do receive per-pupil funding from the district, but we have several unique challenges as a private school:

  • Unlike district schools, we must self-fund our facility, which represents a significant portion of our operating costs.

  • Outfitting authentic Montessori classrooms requires an investment in specially designed and very expensive materials, in addition to keeping up with technology upgrades of the current world.

  • Our commitment to attract and retain highly qualified, Montessori credentialed & Wisconsin Department of Instruction licensed teachers results in significant costs for salaries and benefits.

  • We are growing and must balance the need to build a reserve fund with the continual need to add talented faculty, facility space, and materials.

We hope to make this one of the largest fundraisers of the year, second only to the Annual MSOW Gala. Our Spring 2022 goal is to raise $20,000 for the purchase of Montessori materials and classroom furnishings. If each child secures $70 in donations, we will reach our goal!!  We have also secured a matching donor up to an additional $20,000.

All donations secured through this website are paid securely by credit card only.  If you are a currently enrolled MSOW family with an established account with the school, you may complete this form to charge your donation to your account.