One Million Meals Peterborough supporting Kids Against Hunger Canada

Our goal for this 5th annual event is to engage our community of Peterborough and surrounding area to make a difference in the lives of others! In order to do this, we will provide and volunteer to package One Million Meals using Kids Against Hunger Canada’s model of food packaging. Individuals from various social, religious, sport, school, business and municipal groups may form teams to assemble the meals, for which they have fundraised to package, in a two-hour shift period. There are 3 time shifts to choose from during the day (see below).
Annually, this is a fun, exciting and meaningful opportunity for citizens to positively impact the lives of others! Join us for the opportunity to make a major difference in the lives of others while having fun!
To package our goal of 100,000 meals at a cost of 33 cents each requires we raise $33,000 in total to cover just the food costs. Will you help us spread the word?
For 2020, meals will be sent to local food banks, the Canadian far north, Haiti and other needy countries overseas.
Peterborough Sport and Wellness Centre
775 Brealey Drive, Peterborough, Ontario
*Click here for Floor Plan of Facility for Event Day
Saturday, April 4, 2020 - 9 AM-3 PM
3- Food Packing Shifts for OMMP 2020:
Shift 1: 9 am - 11:00 am – arrive 30 mins prior
Shift 2: 11 am - 1:00 pm – arrive 15 mins prior
Shift 3: 1 pm - 3:00 pm – arrive 15 mins prior
Entry fee for individuals is $65.00.
Each team of 16 people will need to raise a minimum of $1,040.00. The more money raised, the more food that can be packed!
*Please see for FAQs and Team Captain instructions.
For every $1 donated, 3 meals are provided to hungry, malnourished & starving children and their families!
1/2 of the food packed at our event will remain in Canada, to be shipped to the Canadian North and shared with local food banks, and the other 1/2 will be shipped to the remote mountainous region of Grand-Goave in Haiti.
Hunger, malnourishment and starvation are problems we can all help with!
The food that will be packaged at One Million Meals Peterborough will directly go towards feeding those in highest need locally in Peterborough and surrounding area, in the Canadian North, and in Haiti, where food insecurity is currently desperately high.
Household food insecurity is the inadequate or insecure access to food due to financial constraints. Not having access to regular, nutritious food is a serious problem in Canada that negatively impacts physical, mental, and social health, and costs our healthcare system.
1 in 8 households in Canada is food insecure, which is over 4 million Canadians, including 1 in 6 Canadian children (1.15 million children) under the age of 18, living in homes that struggle to put food on the table. Households with children led by female lone parents are especially vulnerable to food insecurity; one-third of these households are food-insecure.
We also want to continue helping to end hunger in Haiti because the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) ranks Haiti in last position in the Latin America and Caribbean region for food security, and Haiti is the most worrying country in this region, as malnutrition has increased over the last five years, affecting more than 50% of its population.
Let's end hunger together and take the next steps toward our goal of packaging one million meals by participating in this exciting event on Saturday April 4, 2020!
Join us to impact lives one meal at a time!
Peterborough Sport and Wellness Center – Bird’s Eye View Floor Plan for OMMP
Please ensure your team has watched the packing video (proper protocol is necessary to ensure that the food bags each receive the prescribed amount of food):
o 4 people for handling the food into bags,
o 2 people to hold the bags under the funnels,
o 4 people for weighing and adjusting the weight of the food bags,
o 2 people for sealing of the bags (each working in tandem with the other, not on their own)
o 4 people for labeling and compacting the bags and then filling boxes
o Volunteers may be asked to assist where needed for other tasks such as re-filling the food bins, etc.
Sample Pledge Form
View a sample pledge form – to be used only to keep track of any offline donations received and turned in before event or on day of event.