Over The Edge 4 Granted 2025 Supporting Granted

Over The Edge is a unique and thrilling way for you and your company, friends, or family to support GRANTED. If you crave adventure and want to help support local children with terminal or life-threatening conditions, then Over The Edge is for you!
Please join GRANTED on April 26, 2025 when participants will be given the opportunity to rappel down CenterPoint Energy's nine-story building in downtown Evansville overlooking the mighty Ohio River.
Every day, children with life-threatening conditions face difficult obstacles. Imagine the fear and anxiety these children face each and every day, and you can step up and stand beside them in a show of solidarity.
In order to rappel during Over the Edge for Granted, participants must fundraise or donate a minimum of $1,000 by April 17, 2025 to join us on this adventure. Invite your friends, family and coworkers to help you raise the funds to go OVER THE EDGE! Money raised will go towards making magical Wishes come true and help us ensure NO CHILD ever sits on a waiting list.
Funding will also allow GRANTED to maintain the high level of child and family support through the Beyond The Wish programming that offers ten separate areas of focus including support groups, inclusive events throughout the year, and resources in the family's times of crisis.
Colin is a feisty but sweet young man. He has Chiari Malformation, cerebral palsy, kidney failure in his only kidney along with numerous other health issues. Through all of his multiple surgeries and hospitalizations he has kept his humor and upbeat outlook on life.
While he was scared to go over the edge at the first event in 2022, he found his love for adventure by not giving in and now he looks forward to this time every year. He has rappelled during Over the Edge for Granted for the past three years and will be participating again in 2025. He is happy to help and be a part of granting new Wish Children their dream Wish. He loves making new friends and sports - specifically football and the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team.
Colin received his Wish from Granted and visit Disney with his family in 2018.
Are you interested in becoming a sponsor?
Please contact
Jeff Purdue: 812-305-3775