Holly Beard

Holly Beard

Join me in supporting individuals and families facing homelessness and domestic violence.

Hello! My name is Holly Beard. I work as the Parish Life Coordinator at the Church of the Magdalen. My main responsibilities include overseeing our ministries and facilitating events at the parish.

I am excited about being on the Queen Bee Court so I can raise awareness and monetary support for two community shelters: St. Anthony Family Shelter that provides emergency housing exclusively for families with children; and Harbor House Domestic Violence Shelter. Families at both have access to meals, snacks, medical services, housing stabilization support, job information and more. I love that both shelters accept families of all faiths and backgrounds.

My favorite verse this year is, "Go and do likewise" (Luke 10:37). What a great reminder to treat everyone with kindness and mercy, to serve the poor, the widows, the homeless and all the hurting people right here in our community.

My husband, Chad, and I have two children. He is a Captain for the Wichita Police Department. His job helps me understand how important and necessary the St. Anthony Family Shelter and Harbor House are for our community.

I have been a Magdalen parishioner for over 20 years. I am a convert to the faith, but my husband has called Magdalen home his entire life. I am fortunate that my job allows me to be involved with many Catholic organizations! Personally, I have also supported the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Bridget's Cradles and many others in their works. I love board games and trivia, and I am a pretty competitive player!

Holly Beard

Oak & Pie Giveback Day!

Join us on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd! Oak & Pie will be generously donating a portion of the day's TOTAL sales to my campaign. This includes gift card sales! Get those Christmas party game gifts early!

Holly Beard