Team Gulliver


Welcome to team Gulliver Prep!

Breakthrough Miami’s annual VIRTUAL Race to Breakthrough on Saturday, September 2nd is a great opportunity! It’s an active and fun way for the entire Gulliver community to support Breakthrough's program from wherever you are this Labor Day Weekend!

Participating Gulliver students are eligible to earn 2 hours of service credit.

In 2023 Team Gulliver aims to beat last year’s record-breaking performance: 197 participants raising over $20,000 which fully supported 7 scholars through an entire year of Breakthrough programming

Breakthrough Miami is an incredible academic and social enrichment program and partner with Gulliver since 2016.

For students to receive service hours for the Race to Breakthrough:
    1. Register at
    2. Participate Labor Day weekend by completing 30 minutes of intentional activity in support of Breakthrough (not an activity you were already planning to do)
    3. Add two elements to your personal race page:
        a. A written or video statement about why education is important for moving our community forward
        b. A photo or video showing you doing your activity
    4. To add the above items to your page:
        a. Go to the Gulliver team page at the url above
        b. Click "Log in" in the upper right corner. Use the account info you used when you registered. Your name will appear there
        c. Click on your name and go to "manage my page" in the drop down
        d. Written statements can be added under "add a personal message" at the bottom of the "set up my page" section.
        e. To add videos and photos, click "add photos or videos" in the left navigation bar
    5. Submit service hours on Mobile Serve. Paper forms will not be accepted. (If you are having trouble getting set up on Mobile Serve, please contact Renee Sasso at
        a. Activity hours = 2
        b. Service org = Breakthrough Miami - Gulliver Prep
        c. Tell Your Story = Paste a link to your personal race page (When you are logged in at the url above, click on your name in the upper right corner and then "view my page" in the drop down)
        d. Supervisor name = Mariel Anderson Supervisor email =

Team Gulliver