RUN UNITED 2022: Virtual Marathon supporting United Way for Southeastern Michigan

Let’s run a marathon together—virtually—to support children and families in our community.
Starting Sept. 14 through Oct. 15, Run United Virtual Marathon participants will log at least 25 miles on their own. Then, we’ll all complete the final 1.2 miles together with a virtual “race” on Oct. 16.
The event is open to all ages and abilities. You are welcome to complete your miles in whatever way works best for you—walking, running or rolling!
Funds raised through the Run United Virtual Marathon will support students throughout Southeastern Michigan as they return to school this fall.
Sign up for the Run United Virtual Marathon and create your profile with a photo, fundraising/miles goals and why you’re running with us. Register by Aug. 30 to ensure you receive your swag before kick off on Sept. 14!
Starting Sept. 14 through Oct. 15, complete your miles however you’d like—all in one day or one mile at a time; running or walking; in your neighborhood or on a treadmill; solo or with your dog, kids or spouse. Whatever fits your schedule and preference! Log your miles using OneCause (under "Complete Activities"), or by connecting your OneCause account to the Strava app to have them load automatically.
Earn points by fundraising, posting photos, logging miles, volunteering, and inviting your friends and family to join. Every point gets you closer to prizes including Yeti coolers, gift cards, Pistons tickets, and more! Click here for the full list.
Finish your last 1.2 miles (a total of 26.2 for a full marathon) with your Run United teammates (virtually, or safely in groups) on Oct. 16.
The Run United Virtual Marathon doesn't officially kick off until Sept. 14, but you can start fundraising now to support students - and earn a chance at some really cool prizes.
Any participant who raises $200 or more before Sept. 14 will be entered into a drawing to win a Yeti Flip 12 Cooler. Register today, then visit your fundraising page to get started!
For seven years, United Way for Southeastern Michigan’s Run United team of 300+ runners and 100+ volunteers has participated in the Detroit Free Press Marathon and other local running events. Led by corporate partners like Stellantis, Bosch, Ford and others, Run United offers a chance to get physically active with friends and coworkers while doing good in the community.
Together, we’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to support United Way's work to build communities of stable households and thriving children.
This year, though a lot of things have changed, our commitment to the community has not. Join Run United and help us impact the lives of students and families in our community.
For seven years, United Way for Southeastern Michigan’s Run United team of 300+ runners and 100+ volunteers has participated in the Detroit Free Press Marathon and other local running events. Led by corporate partners like Stellantis, Bosch, Ford and others, Run United offers a chance to get physically active with friends and coworkers while doing good in the community.
Together, we’ve raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to support United Way's work to build communities of stable households and thriving children.
This year, though a lot of things have changed, our commitment to the community has not. Join Run United and help us impact the lives of students and families in our community.
Runners, rollers, and walkers alike raised nearly $200,000 last year to help close the Digital Divide for students in Detroit Public Schools. Those funds secured laptops and reliable internet access for students who had suddenly found themselves in a virtual world. Participants in the 2021 Run United Marathon made a real difference in the lives of Detroiters by helping to level the learning field.
Although the need for tech and internet resources was heightened by the circumstances of virtual learning, the issue of digital inequity was nothing new. Students all over Southeastern Michigan were already experiencing a Digital Divide, whether by inconsistent access to the internet or a lack of proper technology for their school assignments. RUN United worked to address this inequity over the last two years by providing tech directly to students and increasing connectivity for Detroit students.
Now, with students returning to school in-person in the fall, we see an opportunity to expand our efforts across the region. Funds from this year’s 2022 Run United event will support students by providing resources for:
Returning to the classroom will be a stressful experience for some students and their families, but you can help us reduce that stress.
Our goal is to raise $200,000 toward helping students across Southeastern Michigan thrive as they return to school this fall.