2024 Sam Houston Area Council Friends of Scouting Campaign- Building Your Future supporting Sam Houston Area Council, Scouting America

We have 35 units and over 850 youth in Arrowmoon district from Anderson-Shiro, Bryan, Caldwell, College Station, Huntsville, Iola, Madisonville, Navasota, New Waverly, Normangee, North Zulch, Richards, Snook, and Trinity school districts.
Friends of Scouting is an opportunity for families, friends, alumni, businesses and community organizations to support Scouting. The registration fee goes directly to the national office of the Boy Scouts of America. If a Scout unit collects dues, that money stays with the unit to help pay for supplies, advancements and other activities. None of that money helps the Sam Houston Area Council. In order to keep Scouting affordable for all youth, the council runs an annual Friends of Scouting fundraising campaign.
Friends of Scouting helps:
· Recruit and train youth and leaders
· Provide assistance to those in need
· Keep camps and activities affordable
· Enhance programming and facilities
· Provide communication tools for volunteer leaders
Friends of Scouting contributions provide approximately 24 percent of the support the council receives each year. The success of Scouting depends on those who support it. Please help Scouting provide the resources necessary to make sure every youth can benefit from Scouting’s fun, exciting, adventure-filled activities that foster character, honesty, respect and life-long values.