Get Involved as a Class or School

Shower Strike is a great opportunity to teach your class about global water issues, and then put what they learn into action by helping raise awareness and raise funds for clean water. We’ve had individual students, whole classes and entire schools get involved -- spanning from pre-K all the way to high school! So, there are many opportunities for your classroom to get involved.

And, we often partner classroom teams with corporate or individual sponsors to match what students raise! This helps amplify the impact of the students’ efforts, while also demonstrating to them that you don't need much to change the world. 

How can my school participate?



Fill out our form or email us at to let us know you're interested in participating in this year’s Shower Strike. Our team will then reach out to schedule a call with you and talk through what will be the best fit for your school.


We'll work with you to develop the best plan and timeline for your involvement. You can skip showers, walk for water, or just fundraise. You can also create your own timeline, or follow ours.


Well Aware will create your fundraising page and share tips on how to optimize your campaign. From lesson plans to fundraising best practices, we have all the tools you need to empower your class during the Strike. We can also present to your class on issues surrounding water scarcity and get them excited about raising funds for clean water.


Shower Strike officially kicks off on April 20th, 2022, but we won’t mind if you get a head start! Once the week kicks off, the idea is to skip showers (or walk for water) until you reach your fundraising goal.

Classroom Success Story

What started as a quirky school project in a Webster City, Iowa, second grade class to learn more about the world, has turned into a powerful fundraising campaign that has transformed lives.

Since 2012, the Sunset Stinkers have raised over $30,000 for Well Aware's projects through our annual Shower Strike, providing 2,200 people with clean water for life.

What teachers are saying

Dawn, Second Grade Teacher

“While the students are raising money for Well Aware, they are also learning about places they have never heard of and people and circumstances they don’t know exist. I feel it is a crucial part of their education to learn that they can give even if they have little and that they can make a difference in our world. My hope is they will carry this into adulthood.”

Colette, Second Grade Teacher

“I think that it really has taught the kids a lot of empathy and some of the things that they have taken for granted, they’ve realized that kids in other countries don’t have the same luxuries that we have... This is a global issue. This is so much bigger than us.”

For more information on how to get your class involved, please email us at or fill out the form below:



​Special Thank You To Our Sponsors