Signature Chefs Feeding Motherhood Charleston supporting March of Dimes

Honoring Motherhood & Advocating for our pregnancy & babies
We are excited & grateful to be the 2022 March of Dimes Ambassador Family. We are thankful for the time & research March of Dimes has provided to help Mother's & their babies. As you all may know, Rocky was born prematurely at only 22 weeks gestation. He spent 6 long months in the NICU. Most days for him was a struggle, but he pulled through them all.
Rocky is now a healthy, strong, active baby. The memories and scars of being premature are still very well present, but they will forever remind him of how strong he is.
Research played a generous part in Rocky's NICU stay. Please join us in continuing to provide support to March of Dimes, so Mother's & babies can have safe pregnancies & healthy full term babies. Your gift of any amount is greatly appreciated!