Kyle King

Kyle King

Profession/Company: Director of Culture and Student Advancement at Bonnie Cone Schools

Fun Facts: #1) I have a hidden desire to be a screenwriter and I've begun to take classes through UCLA to write my first movie script by the end of 2025. #2) I have an absolute love for historical movies such as Gladiator and Troy and can recite both movies word for word without it being on. #3) I built my first computer when I was a child at the age of 11 with my dad in the dining room.

Why I feel connected to Crittenton's mission: My connection to Crittenton’s mission is deeply personal. My mother was a teen mom in Central Jersey, facing significant challenges with no college degree and minimal support. Despite these odds, her resilience, grit, and the support she received along the way propelled her to become a senior executive at a Fortune 100 company.

Her journey inspires me every day, showing that anything is possible with determination and the right guidance. Crittenton’s mission resonates with me because I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of providing young women with the support they need to overcome obstacles and thrive. By supporting Crittenton, I hope to help empower young women the same way my mother was empowered to dream big, rise above challenges, and achieve greatness.

Kyle King