2025 Sonoma County Polar Plunge supporting Special Olympics Northern California
2025 Sonoma County Polar Plunge

About 2025 Sonoma County Polar Plunge


Join Us for the Polar Plunge 
 Doran Beach | March 1

Ready to brave the waters for Special Olympics Northern California? On March 1, join the Sonoma County Polar Plunge, a fun dip, skip or jump into chilly waters for a great cause!  The Polar Plunge is a global Special Olympics fundraising tradition where festive supporters splash into chilly waters in support of our athletes and mission. Gather your friends for this crazy event and come join the fun!

The Polar Plunge isn’t a swim: It's a celebration of community and inclusivity. It’s a chance to be with friends, make new connections, and have a good time all for a good cause. Part costume party, part test of will, the Plunge is all for the benefit of Special Olympics. Plungers can brave the waters however they’d like, from dipping in a toe or two to a fully immersive splash.  If the thought of chilly water is "unBEARable" to you, get the thrill without the chill.  Register as a chicken and still enjoy the festivities.  However you choose to participate, it's time to bear down for the Sonoma County Polar Plunge.

Every Plunger must raise a minimum of $125 and will receive a Polar Plunge T-shirt and post Plunge festivities.  Participants are invited to raise additional funds and earn incentive rewards.  


Plungers can form or join teams, or sign up as an individual. Every Plunger must raise a minimum of $125 will receive a Polar Plunge T-shirt and lunch. Cool School participants must raise a minimum of $50 to Plunge, but need to raise a minimum of $125 to earn the T-shirt and brunch. Everyone is encouraged to raise additional funds and earn cool incentive rewards. The more you raise, the more you can help directly impact the lives of Special Olympics athletes, their families, and our community. 


We’ll also present awards to the top individual and team fundraisers, as well as for best costumes. That’s right! Everyone is encouraged to dress in costume for the Plunge.  They aren't mandatory, but they’re a fun part of the global Polar Plunge tradition. So go with the flow and dress up, whether with your team or solo. 


There are a wide variety of sponsorship opportunities available. This community-oriented event is the perfect vehicle to promote your company as a civic-minded business.  Learn more and contact Allie at AllieB@sonc.org to find the perfect sponsorship level for you!

Everyone wins at the Polar Plunge. Be brave in your attempt and make a splash for our amazing Special Olympics NorCal athletes!  All funds raised will support the sports, educational, health and leadership programs our athletes enjoy for free.  

Register today and make a difference for children and adults with intellectual disabilities!  

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please email Plunge@sonc.org.


Starts at:  March 1, 2025 12:00 PM
Ends at:  March 1, 2025 3:30 PM


Doran Beach
201 Doran Beach Road
Bodega Bay,CA 94923 USA


Brrizzly the Polar Plunge Bear

Why Participate?

Your participation will directly support our inclusive sports, health, schools and leadership programs for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.

Through Special Olympics, our athletes build friendships, overcome obstacles and are empowered to realize their full potential. Success on the field leads to more opportunities in daily life as the community learns about the unique abilities and contributions of our athletes. All Special Olympics programs are provided at no cost to the athletes and their families thanks to your support.

What can you Expect?

The Polar Plunge is an iconic tradition in Special Olympics in which brave supporters take a chilly winter dip to show their dedication for our athletes. Our Plunge is a family event and costumes are encouraged! You'll have a blast and feel good knowing that the funds you raise will help us change lives.