Spark a Change!

Spark a Change! supporting Esophageal Cancer Action Network (ECAN)
Esophageal Cancer Action Network (ECAN)

Why Join?

When You Spark a Change, the awareness and funds you raise are critical to the fight to end Esophageal Cancer! 
Any way you choose to become involved to Spark a Change, you will make an important difference! 
You will:

  • Share a life-saving message that Acid Reflux can cause Cancer.
  • Fuel the fight for increased research funding for Esophageal Cancer:                         ​👉 ECAN Advocates made nearly $4.5 Million in funding available                                   to Esophageal Cancer researchers this year.
  • Educate patients and families about the latest research and advances for                patients at risk for Esophageal Cancer.
  • Provide compassionate support for patients and caregivers.
  • About Esophageal Cancer & ECAN

    Deadly: One 1 out of 5 patients diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer in the US will survive 5 years  | Esophageal Cancer is the #7 Cancer Killer of Men in the United States  | Most is discovered at late stages, when treatment is rarely successful.​

    Most Often Caused by Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Most EC in the US is Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (74%) caused by Reflux Disease  | Esophageal Adenocarcinoma increased 700% over the past 35 years in the U.S.  | Esophageal Adenocarcinoma is the fastest increasing cancer among American men  | Squamous Cell Carcinoma which is usually linked to smoking or drinking causes 26%.

    Preventable: Barrett’s Esophagus is the only known precursor to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma  | Barrett’s Esophagus is caused by GERD, but the condition itself causes no symptoms  | Barrett’s Esophagus can be treated and eliminated, thereby preventing progression to Esophageal Cancer  | More than a Million Americans Estimated to be Unaware they Have Barrett’s Esophagus.

    Largely Ignored: Lack of Awareness - Only 14% of Americans know that GERD can lead to cancer  | Lack of Screening - No Esophageal Cancer screening protocol in the U.S.  | Lack of Research Funding - Esophageal Cancer causes 2.6% of US cancer deaths, but receives just .5% of the Federal Cancer Research Budget.
