Variants of GBS|CIDP

About Variants of GBS|CIDP

January Speaker Series; January 17th, 11am-12noon ET.

Join our webinar conversation with Dr. Karissa Gable, Associate Professor of Neurology at Duke University, about the less common neuromuscular conditions present within the GBS|CIDP Foundation International's patient community; sometimes called the "Variants Community" as many are variations of typical GBS or CIDP. We will specifically talk about Anti-Mag Peripheral Neuropathy, Miller Fisher Syndrome, Acute Motor Sensory Axonal Neuropathy, Lewis-Sumner Syndrome, anti-neurofascin 155 genes, and more. We will discuss the typical presentation for these conditions, how they are treated, and how to advance research for ultra-rare diseases like these.

Who Should Attend?

Patients with a variant of GBS or CIDP or a less common neuromuscular condition will certainly benefit from learning more about the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment process for these conditions. Loved ones and CarePartners may also find the information useful. We will do our best to address questions from the audience, but encourage participants to email if they need more information.This webinar will be recorded and posted on our website after the event