Johnny's Ambassadors 2021 #StopDabbing Walk supporting Johnny's Ambassadors, Inc.

Looking for a great way to get involved helping us spread the word about the mental harms to youth who use marijuana? Help us prevent youth marijuana use, mental illness, and suicide, and become one of Johnny’s Ambassadors! Our goal is to form 100+ Johnny’s Ambassadors teams around the U.S. and globally during Suicide Prevention month! Teams are led by affected loved ones, coalitions, community groups, or concerned individuals just like you.
You can walk on a public team with others in your city, with your family and friends in your own neighborhood or virtually, or as an individual! If you wish, you can simply fundraise for us or another team. Register your team to walk in your neighborhood or walk with a public team under the "Join a City Team" menu. If there isn’t a public team listed for your city, you can start one! Just email with your city.
Who’s Walking? We are all committed to reducing adolescent marijuana abuse, mental illness, and suicide ideation. We walk to show our passion to protect youth from the harms of marijuana!
Who Are Johnny’s Ambassadors? Johnny’s Ambassadors is a non-partisan, non-profit, grass-roots alliance of individuals and organizations around the globe concerned about the harms of youth marijuana use. We are parents, coalitions, impacted family members, healthcare professionals, teachers, and nonprofits who seek to reduce youth marijuana use through education, prevention, and awareness. We use evidence-based, scientific research and experts to educate about the dangerous impacts of today’s high-THC marijuana on youth.
Our Mission: Johnny’s Ambassadors educates parents and teens about the risks of today’s high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicide. Research shows today’s high-potency marijuana causes mental health issues and higher incidence of suicide when used recreationally and illegally under 21 years of age (really until brain formation ends in late 20s).
Our Vision: To dramatically decrease the incidence of adolescent marijuana and substance abuse, mental illness, and suicide, to allow our youth to live productive, happy lives.
This event is Johnny's Ambassadors main fundraiser for the year! Please help us raise funds to provide online teen marijuana training to thousands of teens who may not understand the harms of marijuana to their minds and lives.
Johnny's Ambassadors was founded by Laura and John Stack to honor the life of their beloved 19-year-old son, Johnny Kenneth Stack, who died by suicide on November 20, 2019 from outcomes related to marijuana-related psychosis.
We are forming teams around the world to raise awareness and educate parents and teens about the risks of today's high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicide.
Johnny's Ambassadors take ACTION to spread the word about the harms of marijuana on youth. Thank you for being one of Johnny's Ambassadors!