Giving Tuesday 2021 - The Summit School supporting The Summit School
Giving Tuesday 2021 - The Summit School

How Your Support Makes a Difference

The Summit School was founded to serve children, grades 1-8, with dyslexia and other learning differences. The Summit School has an incredible record of helping children become successful learners. The core of Summit’s program incorporates: highly trained teachers, evidence-based instruction, hands-on, multi-sensory learning environments and small class sizes. For more information about The Summit School and Summit Resource Center please visit

This has been a remarkable year for The Summit School. We have so much to celebrate and are truly thankful for our incredible students, families, faculty, and our amazing community of supporters. 

As we reflect on the last year, we are especially proud of reaching beyond our challenges. And, we are more committed than ever to empower a generation of innovators, collaborators, artists, scientists and leaders to unlock the power of their own intellect and creativity. 

There are great things ahead for The Summit School, but we cannot get there without your support. 

This year, in honor of Giving Tuesday, The Bennett Family Charitable Fund is graciously offering to match up to $10,000 in donations we receive. The donations we receive will ensure our students have the resources they need to succeed, both in and outside of the classroom. 

This matching gift makes your support this year that much more important. Every gift, no matter the size will make a huge difference! 

Please consider supporting the  #SummitGivingTuesday2021 Campaign today!

THANK YOU so much for your support. We are forever grateful for all that you have done and continue to do for The Summit School. 

Serving bright students with dyslexia and other learning differences.