Syracuse Buddy Walk 2019 supporting GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse

GiGi's Playhouse Syracuse is thrilled to be the new host of the annual NDSS Buddy Walk! This year’s 21st Annual Buddy Walk will take place on Sunday September 29, 2019 at Long Branch Park at Onondaga Lake Parkway in Liverpool, NY. Festivities will include the walk, lunch, raffles, GiGi’s program spotlights and lots of FUN, FUN, FUN for our families! Most importantly, the Buddy Walk is an opportunity to celebrate achievements and raise awareness within our community and to change the way the world views Down syndrome, together.
Your generous involvement will provide opportunities for more individuals to learn to read, improve their health and wellness, develop career skills, and live truly fulfilling lives.
Registration is free for everyone! Individuals with Down syndrome will receive one free short sleeve shirt. Additional shirts can also be purchased.
All orders for shirts are guaranteed through 9/12. Orders submitted after 9/12, will receive shirts on first come first serve basis at check in.
GiGi’s Playhouse Syracuse is thrilled to be the new host of the National Down Syndrome Society’s Buddy Walk! It is key to expanding our voice in the Central New York community and the world. Festivities will include the walk, lunch, raffles, GiGi’s program spotlights and lots of FUN, FUN, FUN for our families! Most importantly, the Buddy Walk is an opportunity to celebrate achievements and raise awareness within our community and to change the way the world views Down syndrome, together.
Through free programs and through our Generation G Campaign for global acceptance, we EMPOWER families by maximizing opportunities for daily achievement and lasting acceptance. To ensure lasting acceptance, we must show the world what individuals with Down syndrome are truly capable of achieving as students, co-workers, volunteers, friends, and valued members of their communities. Our program outcomes help advance this vital social impact goal.