Jeanette Perez

Jeanette Perez

Welcome friends, family & supporters!

Thank you for taking the time and checking out my fundraising page for #teamkidneyCHI! (first a little bit about me, about team kidney, and then I'll ask for all your monies!) 

I'm Jeanette! This will be my fourth marathon, third with the Bank of America Chicago Marathon series! I have an amazing group of family and friends as support and can't wait to see their faces on the sidelines to help push me through those 26.2 miles! I chose Team Kidney and the National Kidney Foundation of Illinois to fundraise for as it's a cause and charity close to my heart.

 While I, myself have not been personally affected health wise by kidney disease, my past experience working in the medical field has given me a lot of insight on kidney disease and dialysis. Along with that- a coworker while being a flight attendant, someone who quickly became a best friend, older sister, and my kidney recipient has! (If you got this far and didn't know.. that's right, I gave one of my kidneys away!)  Five years ago this year, I became a living kidney donor- and with that gained a lot of awareness on kidney health, disease, and donation. I'm really excited to be supporting and fundraising for the NKFI to bring more awareness and support for free health screenings, community outreach and programming, along with cutting-edge research! (Did YOU know 1/3 [33%] of American adults are at risk for kidney disease?!)

So here's the deal! I'm (obviously) asking for donations here, but I also understand we are in a pandemic, a patricia, a panini. If you could give a single dollar, you know what? You made my day! Give up your $5 mochaccino, love ya! Anything is helpful, thank you!! But really, I appreciate you even getting this far! Thank you for all of your support! (thoughts, prayers, good juju, I'll take it all!) 

and hey... if you're not doing anything Sunday October 10th & are around the Chicagoland area, please come out and support my teammates and I! (We all know I'm not fast and will stop to hug you all!!) I love champagne and brunch post race, the more the merrier!!

promise to make you all proud this year!

With so much love and excitement (and sweat)


"she was unstoppable and she took anything she wanted with a smile" r.m. drake

Add a song to my marathon Spotify playlist! $5 & give me something crazy to skip to :) { Jeanette’s Kidney Mix }

Please take a second to catch Tonuah & I share a short version of our story here ::

Jeanette Perez
Jeanette Perez