2024 Law Enforcement Torch Run supporting Special Olympics Northern California

Over 2,300 Law Enforcement personnel representing over 300 Law Enforcement agencies escorted the Special Olympics Torch, the "Flame of Hope" through Northern California to the 2024 Special Olympics Summer Games raising awareness and funds for Special Olympics!
The run itself took place between June 17 and June 28 where the torch lit the cauldron at the Opening Ceremony of Summer Games. Registration included a commemorative dri-fit Torch Run t-shirt to wear with pride during your run.
The Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) is the largest public awareness vehicle and grassroots fundraiser for Special Olympics. Known honorably as Guardians of the Flame, law enforcement members and Special Olympics athletes carry the “Flame of Hope” into the Opening Ceremony of local, regional, state and world competitions. Annually, almost 110,000 dedicated and compassionate law enforcement members carry the “Flame of Hope,” symbolizing courage and celebrating diversity, uniting communities around the globe.
The Law Enforcement Torch Run provides law enforcement agencies throughout Northern California the opportunity to promote a positive and civic-minded image to their communities.
The Law Enforcement Torch Run raises thousands of dollars for Special Olympics Northern California which supports the many programs and services Special Olympics provides to children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
Not only is there financial support generated by fundraising efforts, but lasting friendships are formed between our athletes and law enforcement through various events and engagement opportunities year-round.
Special Olympics provides sports training and competition opportunities as well as educational and health programming at no cost to the athletes or their families.
The skills athletes gain through their participation goes far beyond the playing field. It builds their confidence and self-esteem giving them the life skills to productive members of their community.