Rich Ingram

Rich Ingram

You have a heart for our veterans. You understand that they are the reason you live freely...the reason that your children can be educated and have bright futures...the reason that America's enemies remain at bay and you live comfortably. You believe that, without them, we would not be free...and that heroism...that heroic sacrifice of volunteering their lives to protect yours...doesn't come without a cost. They did their want to do yours. But which organization to choose when there are so many? Warriors and Quiet Waters

When I was 22 years old, the only thing that mattered in my life was Soldiering. I existed in life to fight with my brothers in combat to protect our country, to protect our way of life back home...because if I didn't, the enemy would bring the fight to our doorsteps, to your doorstep. And that purpose I had...was abruptly stripped away when my vehicle struck a roadside bomb and took my left arm. I lost every bit of identity I had in the world. I was lost...until my mom showed up to the hospital with my fly rod. Fly-fishing for me was a sanctuary. It brought stillness to my being and connectivity to the earth. Still attached to an IV tree with no less than three tubes coming out of me, my cousin forced me on the front lawn of the hospital with that fly rod. I frustratingly tried to cast and strip line...but I never quit...I was relentless...and I improvised...I realized I could strip line with my teeth and control the line in the cast with two fingers. In that small moment in time, I started to regain my identity...and this...this was the first thing I'd been able to do that I had done with two arms. Tears came to my eyes when I realized my life would again be fulfilled. Tears came to my eyes when I realized that my life, however more difficult it may be, was not over. 

Warriors and Quiet Warriors exists to bring this transition, this transformation to our nation's heroes. They facilitate solace and healing in the serenity of nature for our veterans. They foster a community of care and support, not just providing a "one and done" event, but a lifelong support system with an extensive alumni program that allows veterans access to their resources...forever. 

I am running the Leadville Trail 100 ultramarathon August 2024 to support Warriors and Quiet Waters to do my part in giving back to the heroes that gave so much for do my part in aiding in their transition back to civilian life...because I owe it to them. And Warriors and Quiet Waters...they are the organization that I passionately support and believe in, to provide the best integrative support to our heroes. Will you join me by donating money to their cause? Will you join me by spreading the word of this fundraiser to continue support of this great organization?

Rich Ingram
Rich Ingram