We are asking to you help us raise $10,000 on March 23th, in conjunction with MVYMCA’s Day of Giving (being held on March 19th). Our goal is to come together as athletes who love the water and can appreciate the importance of learning to swim. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to give access to those in our community who cannot afford to learn a lifesaving skill and have access to a lifelong sport.
Our goal with the Y I Swim event is to create this connection, sense of safety and access to water safety programs for anyone regardless of ability to pay. What we are asking you to do is to help us get to $10,000 so that we can teach more swimmers to be safe around water. To do so, please ask your community to sponsor your athlete to swim laps via our fundraising platform.
Thank you for your support of the Y, the work we do in the community and for being here with us. We appreciate all of your hard work!