The College Access Scholarship Fund


The College Access Scholarship Fund was created by Sydney and Sam Greenwald in 2023 to provide college guidance and support to high school students seeking a college degree in music.  YMU has partnered with a college counselor and an SAT/ACT tutor who have each committed to working with a select group of YMU students to assist in this endeavor.  The fund will cover the cost of counseling sessions, tutoring and college application fees for students.  “We realized that there are many families who are unable to afford counseling or tutoring for college and it didn't seem fair.  Our goal for this year is to raise $10,000 so that we can make a bigger impact and help as many students as possible. We currently have students participating in the college counseling program and many more signed up for tutoring in the spring. Please help us reach our goal so that we can increase our impact. Please donate using the link provided” - Sydney and Sam Greenwald

The College Access Scholarship Fund