lt's time to Step Up for your community Welcome to Scotiabank StairClimb for United Way, virtually, of course! Scotiabank StairClimb for United Way is long-standing event in our community. For over 20 years, we have gathered together in early November at One London Place to take the 472 steps-to-the-top challenge while collecting pledges and raising awareness for United Way funded programs that give local people a shot at their best life. Each year, you help us raise over $200,000 to help fight unignorable issues like poverty, mental illness and social isolation. Our community cannot afford for this event not to happen. The stakes are too high. Families are having a tough time putting food on the table. People are overwhelmed which is causing a spike in demand for mental health services. Left unchecked, these problems will only get worse and we risk pushing people further in to the margins. This is where you come in! We can’t climb One London Place together, but we can still “Step Up” and show our local love. Like many events in our community, Scotiabank StairClimb is going virtual which means you get to stay safe, choose a way to participate, and most importantly, raise funds that help us in our fight to make sure that no one gets left behind. Put your thinking caps on and brainstorm with your colleagues, friends and family to come up an activity to replace that annual 472-step climb. Maybe find an outdoor staircase and climb the 472 steps there! Perhaps you go for a run or family hike of 4,720 meters; 10 meters for every step up One London Place. Or shoot 472 hoops. Or skip for 472 consecutive times. Or complete 47.2 minutes of yoga or other favourite fitness activity…the possibilities are endless! Register today as a team or individual and create your personalized fundraising page where you can showcase how you are going to “Step Up for your community” at a time when it’s needed most. I can’t wait to see all the creative ways that you come up with to show your #LocalLove! As for me, I’m still trying to figure out my personal activity, but suspect in the end it might have something to do with that giant hill at the end of Grosvenor Street that leads into Gibbons Park…stay tuned! For now I’m counting down the days until November 5, getting my steps in, and reaching out to my friends and family to raise pledges because our community needs it more than ever. Join me, “Step Up for your community”, and improve lives locally. Go DoGooders! Kelly Ziegner