LCSS Day of Giving is a 24 hour day to share your stories and give back to local Catholic education. All monies raised directly support teacher pay, student programs and keep tuition affordable.
How can I donate on #LCSSDayOfGiving?
Donate securely online.
Call (765) 474-7500 to make a gift using your credit card.
Use your Donor Advised Fund to make a gift by requesting the distribution and letting Matt Buche know you have initiate the gift (765-474-7500 or
Mail your check to LCSS (checks payable to Lafayette Catholic School System, 2410 S. 9th Street, Lafayette, IN 47909, noting Day of Giving).
Double your donation if you work for a company that matches gifts. Call (765) 474-7500 for more information.
Drop off your gift at any one of our 5 schools: Central Catholic Jr.-Sr. High School, St. Boniface, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, or St. Francis.
Spread the word on social media and encourage your family and friends to do the same! Use #LCSSDayOfGiving on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Is my gift tax deductible?
Yes! We will send you a statement during tax time.
How can I spread the word about LCSS Day of Giving?
Use the hashtag #LCSSDayOfGiving or #PreparingStudentsForLife on your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram accounts. Email your fellow classmates, family, and friends a link to and ask for their support.