2022 LCSS Day of Giving


​What is LCSS Day of Giving?

LCSS Day of Giving is a 24 hour day to share your stories and give back to local Catholic education. All monies raised directly support teacher pay, student programs and keep tuition affordable. 

How can I donate on #LCSSDayOfGiving?

  • Donate securely online.
  • Call (765) 474-7500 to make a gift using your credit card.
  • Use your Donor Advised Fund to make a gift by requesting the distribution and letting Matt Buche know you have initiate the gift (765-474-7500 or mbuche@lcss.org).
  • Mail your check to LCSS (checks payable to Lafayette Catholic School System, 2410 S. 9th Street, Lafayette, IN 47909, noting Day of Giving).
  • Double your donation if you work for a company that matches gifts. Call (765) 474-7500 for more information. 
  • Drop off your gift at any one of our 5 schools: Central Catholic Jr.-Sr. High School, St. Boniface, St. Lawrence, St. Mary, or St. Francis. 
  • Spread the word on social media and encourage your family and friends to do the same! Use #LCSSDayOfGiving on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes! We will send you a statement during tax time.

How can I spread the word about LCSS Day of Giving?

Use the hashtag #LCSSDayOfGiving or #PreparingStudentsForLife on your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram accounts. Email your fellow classmates, family, and friends a link to dayofgiving.lcss.org and ask for their support.