2022 Anacortes Cancer Walk supporting Your Story Foundation

Welcome to our fundraising & silent auction website for the 7th annual Anacortes Cancer Walk. We are so grateful that you are joining us. We encourage you to take a few moments and explore the site and read about all of the exciting additions we have added this year. We will have weekly challenges & activities (both physically and fundraising), we are also continuing the Anacortes Anchor Project and most importantly we will be sharing stories from cancer patients and their loved ones and celebrating those who have left us too soon.
This year will be a virtual walk. What does that mean?
August 20th is our official walk day, but you are free to walk whenever is convienent with you. You will create your own route and distance. Please document your walk by taking photographs, jotting down a few special things that happen along your walk, or create a video.
On August 20th we will check in with one another throughout the day on this website and on our Facebook group page by posting our pictures, and by sending inspirational messages to each other.
Please join our Facebook Group page today:
We encourage you to participate from all over the world!
**For those of you joining us for the first time, the Anacortes Cancer Walk is a yearly event held by the nonprofit 501c3, Your Story Foundation based in Anacortes Washington. Proceeds from the walk are donated from Your Story Foundation to the Merle Cancer Care Center's Medical Relief Fund at Island Hospital in Anacortes.
The Merle Cancer Care Center Medical Relief Fund is an assistance fund that provides $800.00 per patient for any medical related cost such as medical supplies, medications, uncovered medical bills, transportation or fuel costs to make appointments, etc. Patients are made aware of the fund when they meet with staff on diagnosis. There is no proof of need required. Our mission is to take some stress away at a very stressful time by meeting a financial need.**
The Anacortes Anchor Project launched last year. The project focuses on spreading love and support to our family, friends, and community members by sending monthly cards and small gifts. Please check back often for available items for purchase on our website.
When we first started the Anacortes Cancer Walk 7 years ago, the Medical Relief Fund at the Merle Cancer Care Center was $300 per patient. Because of donors like you, the relief fund is now $800 per patient. Your continued support is crucial to continue helping those in our community who are battling cancer.