2024 Unified Fore Joy ProAM supporting Special Olympics Colorado

The Topgolf ProAm is the largest day of inclusive golf in the Special Olympics movement. This special event will bring together individuals of all abilities to celebrate the joy of the game. Take part in this unique opportunity to raise awareness and help support sports, health, school, and leadership programs for athletes who live and compete in the Northeast region.
Don't miss this opportunity to take in great views and play at a high-tech driving range with the possibility of playing with a sports pro/Special Olympics athlete.
Register as a single golfer, a team, or sponsor a full bay! Or join us as a spectator!
Single golfer: $300
Team of golfers (5 Players): $1,500
Full bay (2 Teams + Sponsorship Benefits): $5,000
Teams of 5 will compete in TopContender Game Play! Meals will be served during play!
Event Schedule:
8:45-9AM | Guests Check In
9-9:30AM | Warm Up
9:30-10:40AM | Round 1 TopContender
10:40-11:30AM | Round 2 TopContender
11:30-12PM | Wrap Up & Awards
Sponsorship opportunities are available, please contact Aaron Escamilla at aescamilla@specialolympicsco.org for more information.